P.O. Box 2972, San Ramon, CA 94583 - Non-profit organization - EIN# 83-3507638

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
  • Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.

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Humanity Together! For
Champa Society, Culture, Language and Programs


Champa Culture

Revival and protection of Champa Language, Culture, History, Arts and Buildings

A platform to present and learn about the Champa Culture, History, Arts, Fashion, Celebrations and important community events. Blogs with images and significant cultural values will be shared in this platform.

Champa Genocide

Champa Genocide Awareness

The Cham community suffered a major blow during the Khmer Rouge rule of Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge targeted ethnic minorities like Chinese, Thai, Lao, Vietnamese and Cham people, though the Cham suffered the largest death toll in proportion to their population. Around 100,000 to 500,000 Cham out of a total Cham population of 250,000 to 650,000 died in the genocide

Source: Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chams

Champa Society

Champa Society Governance Programs for Families, Women , Children, Orphans and Elderly

Syed Family has designed the SICHAM Governance Framework for the operation and effectiveness of Champa Society Programs helping families with important needs such as:

  • Clean Water & Wells
  • Children and Orphan Care and Education
  • Family and Women Vocational Trainings
  • Small Business Resources for Women & Families
  • Mobile Health Clinics
  • Vegetables & Fruits Farming & More!

Champa Society Current Projects Need Donation & Sponsorship


Support Champa Families during COVID Lock-Down – Food and Healthcare calamity

SICHAM identified through interviews that the two greatest challenges faced by poor families in the villages under the current lockdown:

  • Scarcity and difficulty to purchase food
  • Shortage and difficulty to access cash

Lack of food was found to be the most prominent issue Over 80% of families reported having insufficient food over the past 7 days.

Small Children food, milk and medicine needs

Corona virus spread has closed schools, exacerbated child poverty and risks to halt development opportunities for children across Vietnam and Cambodia.

Impact of the crisis is immediate, as many families are not able to pay for their basic needs, such as food, water, medicine and access to health care and education. In crises like this, children suffer the most, not only are their immediate needs unmet but the risk of neglect, child labor, violence, abuse and child marriage is heightened and can have a long-lasting impact on their lives.

Widow care program

The shrinking economy, hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, has affected all population groups, but particularly the most vulnerable i.e., widows and single parents. poverty is forecast to almost double.

SICHAM is making efforts to provide food, medicine and small business startup donations to the widows and single parents so they can take care of the children and elderly.

Elderly Medicine and Food Service

Data from the World Health Organization shows that more than 95% of COVID-19 deaths around the world have been among people over the age of 60, with more than half of all deaths being people aged 80 and older.

SICHAM is making concerted efforts to provide medical care and food distribution with our volunteers. This is our on-going program to support elderly in poor families and villages.

Global Organizations & Leaders Message of Care

for Champa Society & Recognition of Champa as Indigenous People of Cambodia and Vietnam











